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Celestial body the satellite is orbiting.
Mass of the celestial body the satellite is orbiting
Radius of the celestial body.
Distance from surface of the celestial body to the satellite.
Initial orbit inclination.
Final orbit inclination.
satcatalog: python hohmann_transfer.py radius_initial = 6378.1366 km + 200.0 km velocity_initial = sqrt(398613.89 / 6578.1366) radius_final = 6378.14 km + 35786.0 km velocity_final = sqrt(398613.89 / 42164.1366) semi_major_axis_transfer = (6578.1366 km + 42164.1366 km) / 2 semi_major_axis_transfer = 24371.14 km velocity_perigee_transfer = sqrt((2 x 398613.89 / 6578.1366) - (398613.89 / 24371.1366)) velocity_perigee_transfer = 10.24 km/s tof = 3.1416 x sqrt((24371.1366^3) / 398613.89) tof = 18931.60 sec delta_v_1 = 10.24 km/s - 7.78 km/s delta_v_2 = sqrt((1.60 x sin(0.50 rad))^2 + (3.0747 - 1.5974 x cos(0.50 rad))^2) delta_v_total = 2.45 km/s + 1.84 km/s delta_v_total = 4.30 km/s delta_v_total = 4295.61 m/s
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